Our Mission
Most humans deep within recognize the existence of a unifying power in creation. What ever words we use is immaterial, it is the awareness of this reality that matters. With the advance of science and technology, many humans live with the expectation of life going on FOREVER. What is the reality ?- One ABSOLUTE reality is that life as we know must come to an end. It is also the one thing we are certain and all else is unknown or uncertain. Once in awhile in our life we are reminded of this reality. A catastrophe in nature, a great human tragedy close to home or even a single event that touches us deeply, opens a window briefly. Most of the time when a human being becomes aware that time is running out we look for these answers when it is too late.
The poignancy of this experience leaves a mark, where the inevitable question comes up. What is life about or what is the very purpose of our existence ? They are fortunate if this has happened even once in their lifetime. To a great degree our MISSION is to show a way or share our experience to a sincere seeker. All we can do is bring you in contact with the great life force, God's grace or holy spirit. We must not get tangled with words as this experience is beyond words. No words can give you the understanding that comes with your own experience. So in the words of the founder of the Subud movement "Experience first and explanations later".
The idea originated when we realized that there maybe many English speaking people in Sri Lanka today who has not even heard the word SUBUD and even a larger number among those who only speak the native languages. It is our hope that by our efforts some of you will find your way to Subud and benefit from the Latihan Kejiwaan which in reality is the grace of God come to this world in a unique way at a time when humankind is searching for answers in a insecure and troubled world.